Thursday, August 20, 2009

Family guidance sign

This sign is about 4 feet tall. It reminds me of similar signs in
neighborhoods in China. This one extols the values of being kind to
you neighbors, don't encroach on others' property, help the poor, etc.
I've never seen anyone stop to read signs like this, except myself of
course. And I've often thought of putting my own version up regarding
motorbike driving:

1) drive slower
2) stop texting while you drive
3) stop talikng on the phone while you drive
4) don't honk for no reason
5) don't drive drunk
6) don't drive on the sidewalk
7) don't drive the wrong way on the street or the sidewalk
8) don't start your bike while I'm sitting/ standing/ eating behind it
9) replace your muffler if it spits smoke or is extremely loud
10) slow down again

But again, no one world read it, much less do it, so what's the point?
Just to get my frustration out of course.

1 comment:

  1. I read it Samson, and we will follow these rules when we use our scooter
